HGIOS self-evaluation tool - available to all SCARF schools in Scotland
This audit tool guides you through all aspects of Health and Wellbeing and links SCARF with the How Good is Our School framework. By using SCARF across your setting, you can be sure that you have the best possible resourced programme to support children’s mental, social and physical wellbeing.
SCARF is much more than just a scheme of work; it contributes significantly to developing the four capacities, supporting children and young people to become:
- Successful learners
- Confident individuals
- Responsible citizens
- Effective contributors
Working through the self-evaluation helps you to measure your school’s current health and wellbeing provision, identify areas for development and, with help from the extensive SCARF resources, ensure continuous improvement. It also helps you make the best use of SCARF, giving you peace of mind that you’re providing the highest quality health and wellbeing education for your children. The ability to use this data as evidence in a report can also be valuable in the inspection process.
You can access and read the self-evaluation tool now, but before you can start completing it we need to make some changes to your SCARF access. Please CONTACT US to set this up if your school doesn't yet have access.
If you've been set up with access already but you're not sure how to proceed, follow our quick-start guide
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