Online whole-school training
1.5-hour online training £290 (+VAT)
3-hour online training from £375 (+VAT)
6-hour online training from £600 (+VAT)
10% discount for SCARF-subscribing schools
If you need more information, want to book a course or would like to discuss bespoke training then please contact us
"One of the best courses I have ever attended." Teacher feedback
Our courses
Here is a list of courses that are currently available. Please contact us to discuss your course and choose a date.
You can also contact us to arrange a bespoke course that meets your training needs, if these are not covered in the list below.
Introduction to RSE - training for up to 30 staff - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Know how to set up a safe learning environment and why
- Understand what is statutory and non-statutory in regard to relationships and sex education (RSE)
- Identify the correct language to be used in RSE
- Consider how we might answer children's questions
Are you ready for Growing and Changing? - presentation for up to 30 staff - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Understand how the SCARF Growing and Changing lesson plans build across the primary years (including EYFS)
- Know how to ensure your older pupils feel safe, supported and confident in this area
- Identify which plans are statutory and why their content is important to cover
- Have increased confidence in preparing for and teaching these lesson plans
- Be aware of safeguarding requirements and considerations in relation to this area of the RSHE curriculum
Assessment in PSHE education - training for up to 30 staff - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Understand how assessment contributes to effective PSHE
- Clarify the key types of assessment and when they should be used
- Know Ofsted expectations and the evidence they seek in relation to assessment when making their Personal Development judgment
- Describe how SCARF supports assessing PSHE in a way that isn't time-consuming or onerous
Protected characteristics - training for up to 30 staff - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Clarify understanding of nine protected characteristics as defined by the UK government
- Identify the ways in which someone with one or more of the nine protected characteristics can be discriminated against
- Know how Ofsted inspects the teaching of the protected characteristics when making their Personal Development judgment
- Understand how SCARF supports the teaching and learning about protected characteristics
Whole-school RSE - presentation and workshop for up to 30 staff - 3 hours
Learning outcomes
- Understand what you are expected to deliver in Relationships Education and what non-statutory sex education at primary age looks like
- Have increased confidence and the skills needed to deliver Relationships Education
- Identify the Growing and Changing elements of SCARF and how they link to the statutory requirements
Sexual harassment and abuse - workshop for up to 30 staff - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Understand the issues identified by Ofsted that relate to sexual harassment and abuse in primary schools
- Look in detail at the DfE RSHE requirements and the framework these provide for preventing abuse
- Understand the need and benefits of a whole-school approach and ethos to preventing abuse and harassment
- Identify the lessons within SCARF's spiral curriculum that support you in providing both the curriculum content and key principles that underpin a safe, protective school environment.
Parent engagement and consultation - workshop for up to 30 staff - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Review your parent consultation process, identifying further opportunities for engagement
- Identify appropriate resources to share with parents from the full SCARF curriculum or for non-SCARF schools, examples of good-practice models
- Ensure that your annual engagement activities are effective and safe
- Develop teacher confidence in running a parent engagement events
- For SCARF schools, help you to take ownership of your RSE programme and additional support materials within SCARF that are part of your subscription.
Bespoke session for up to 30 staff - typically 3 hours (includes 45-min planning meeting, 90-min whole-school training and 45-min post-training meeting)
This training offer gives you time with our RSHE Training Manager to design a course tailored to the specific needs of your staff and school. It includes training needs analysis with staff, to ensure their needs shape the training we plan and deliver.
RSE teacher training course - 6 hours (delivered in 2 x 3-hour sessions)
Learning outcomes
- Understand what you are expected to deliver in Relationships Education and what non-statutory sex education at primary age looks like
- Have increased confidence and skills needed to deliver Relationships Education
Explore one of the following options:
- Engaging parents/carers with a focus on RSE
- Assessment in PSHE education
See further details of this course which is also offered to individual teachers too
Introduction to Secondary RSE (Eng) or RSHP (Sco) - training workshop - 1.5 hours
Learning outcomes
- Understand how to set up a safe learning environment and why this is important
- Know what is statutory and non-statutory in regards to relationships and sex education/RSHP
- Recognise the importance of RSE/RSHP as part of a whole-school approach to helping young people to be healthy, happy, and safe
- Understand non-statutory guidance in relation to best practice and the delivery of RSE/RSHP
Making the most of SCARF
All schools purchasing a SCARF subscription are entitled to this free teacher-training workshop. Tailored to your needs, this workshop will help your staff by developing their knowledge and confidence to use the wide range of resources available to them to the full.
Find out more and arrange your training.
How to book a course
If you need more information, want to book a course or would like to discuss bespoke training then please contact us.
What teachers say about our online courses...
"It was a packed session with lots of incredibly useful information. It was good to be able to have discussions and reflect on the different areas."
"It was very useful. Presentation was very clear, detailed and gave me clear steps to act on. I'm keen to crack on."
"Very empowered by the information and feel I have direction moving forward."
"It is informative and allows teachers to feel confident and supported in delivering content that can be met by apprehension with our parents."
"Much more confident about how to inform parents as well as include pupil voice into our RSE curriculum."