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Coram Life EducationSCARF

1-day online teacher training for primary schools* dates for Spring 2025

Few teachers receive comprehensive training that fully prepares them for teaching RSE. This course supports teachers, wherever they are on their journey, providing great Relationships and Sex Education that meets the DfE statutory requirements.

Although designed for PSHE leads, many schools prefer whole-staff training for this course. We create bespoke training to meet your school's needs. Please contact us if you're interested in this service and to find out the price.

* This course is designed for primary schools but could also be useful for SEND teachers in settings with older pupils. Please contact us to check to discuss the course content and determine whether it will meet your needs.

What teachers say about our courses

"Our staff recently attended Coram Life Education's RSE training. Their experience was transformational. Staff felt empowered; it was as if a switch had been flipped. They learnt lots of new things and realised the importance of teaching RSE to develop children's skills and behaviour."

"The format of the session was great - mixture of slides/listening/interaction via discussion. The clarity provided about statutory/non-statutory requirements as well as reference to OFSTED expectations was definitely helpful."

"Thank you so much for such an informative and inspiring session. Thank you also for putting everyone at ease - I was a bit anxious before the meeting."

Course Overview

Just like a face-to-face course, we will use a range of interactive techniques and resources to ensure our online training gives you what you need to plan, prepare and deliver effective Relationships and Sex Education your pupils need.

Training will provide:

  • Further guidance on what you're expected to deliver in Relationships Education and RSE aspects of Health Education, and what non-statutory sex education at primary looks like
  • Increased confidence and skills needed to deliver and lead Relationships Education, and to disseminate the learning to your colleagues
  • Greater awareness of strategies and resources to support you in consulting and engaging parents about your RSE programme and policy, and talk more confidently about the new statutory requirements

How to take part

All training is conducted online using ZOOM.

Expectations of attendees: 

  • Only one person per Zoom log-in
  • Keep your camera on to maximise engagement
  • Avoid distractions during training e.g. answering emails/phone calls 
  • Attend the course in a quiet room, away from colleagues (even those who are also attending the course) or family members if attending from home
  • Bring a second device such as a smartphone or tablet (This will be needed for you to access a further training tool during both sessions.)

Please also note that we reserve the right to cancel the course if the minimum number of 6 participants is not reached. A full refund or place on a subsequent course will be given in the event of cancellation. 

Cost per person (max 2 people per school per course)

SCARF subscribing schools: £80 (plus VAT)

Non-SCARF subscribing schools: £110 (plus VAT) 

If you need more than two teachers or your whole staff to be trained, then please contact us for a bespoke price.

Certificate of attendance available upon request.

Need help?

If you have any questions please contact us or call us on:
020 7520 0364 

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Course Summary, Dates and Booking

Delivered in two 3-hour training sessions on separate days*, plus an option to book an individual post-course consultation to give further guidance and plan next steps, with our specialist RSE lead, Lisa Handy. Details of this will be provided during the training.

Please note, this is an interactive course with group activities, therefore you must have a working camera and microphone to attend. Anyone attending without this equipment will not be able to participate and will need to a place on another course, subject to availability; the re-booked place will be charged for at the same price and the cost of the original place will not be refunded. This is to make the training as effective as possible for all participants and to cover our costs. 

Please check dates and price categories (SCARF and non-SCARF-subscribing schools) when booking. Please note, prices are per person and no more than 2 people from one school per course.

Please contact us if the current course dates don't work for you and ask to be informed of future course dates, when available.

*The same person must attend both dates.

SCARF schools - book your place on this course here

RSE Teacher Training2x3 hour session course. Price for SCARF-subscribing schools. Thu 8th May 2025 and Thu 15th May 2025 09:15 -12:15£80.00

Non-SCARF schools - book your place on this course here

RSE Teacher Training2x3 hour session course. Price for non-SCARF-subscribing schools. Thu 8th May 2025 and Thu 15th May 2025 09:15 -12:15£110.00

If you wish to book a place on this training but are unable to pay online, please download an order form.