Share your Scarf week!
Each day this week we're thinking about one of the SCARF letters and what it means to us.
Today is Resilience day! It's all about bouncing back when things go wrong or when we feel fed up.
Give each child a copy of the letter R for Resilience and ask them to think about what being resilient means to them.
Start with some key questions:
- What can I do to help myself bounce back when I’m feeling upset or fed-up about something?
- Who can I talk to when I’m feeling that way?
- How can I help somebody else to bounce back if they are feeling upset or fed up?
Share your scarf!
Display the R for Resilience posters for everyone to see.
There's a different letter each day for the children to share with others. By the end of the week, they will be sharing their whole SCARF!