Helping your children understand changes at puberty
Children following the SCARF programme will already have a good understanding of their bodies, and how and why they change as they go through puberty.
Parents are recognised as children's primary educators for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), yet many feel unprepared. Often this is because they had poor RSE themselves - from home, school, or both.
For ages 3-7, it's about helping children to understand what a good friend is and how to be one, about different types of families, what the differences are between boys and girls, and what the private parts of the body are, helping them to keep safe.
For ages 8-11 it's building on the information above and developing further knowledge about the physical and emotional changes that take place, alongside learning the reasons for the changes in more detail. This includes developing an understanding of how people are able to reproduce - if they want to - when they’re adults.
The following information and resources are designed to support you in helping your child at each stage, to become more aware of themselves and others, to help them navigate the emotional and physical changes that take place during puberty, as well as learning about sex in the context of safe, loving relationships.
Suggested reading list for 3-7 year-olds, covering relationships, reproduction & families
- Mummy Laid an Egg by B Cole
- Mummy Laid an Egg by B Cole (Inclusive film version on YouTube using symbols)
- Amazing You by Dr G Saltz
- Where Willy Went by N Allan
- Let’s Talk About Where Babies Come From by R H Harris
- What Makes a Baby by C Silverberg
- If I had a 100 Mummies by V Carter
- Mummy Never Told Me by B Cole
- And Tango Makes Three by J Richardson and P Parnell
- So Much by T Cooke
- Where Did That Baby Come From by D Gliori
- Topsy and Tim and the New Baby by J and G Adamson
- My Underpants Rule by Rod Power and Kate Power
- My family, your family by Laura Henry- Allain
- When I grow up by Tim Minchin
- A bad case of stripes by David Shannon
- Making a baby by Rachel Greener
- How did I begin? by Mick Manning
- Teach your dragon good hygiene by Steve Herman
- There's a house inside my mummy by Giles Andreae
- The great big body book by Mary Hoffman
- Who has what? by Robbie H Harris
- Getting smart about your private parts by Dr Gail Saltz
- Before you were born by Robbie H Harris
- Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
- Some secrets should never be kept by Jayneen Sanders
- The great big book of families by Mary Hoffman
Suggested reading list for 8-11 year-olds, covering reproduction/puberty/relationships/gender
- Girls Only by V Parker
- How your Body Works by Judy Hindley
- Let’s Talk About Sex by R H Harris
- Living with a Willy by N Fisher (suitable for mature Y6s)
- Sex is a Funny Word by C Silverberg and F Smyth
- The Period Book by K Gravelle
- What’s Happening to Me? by P Mayle
- The Boys' Guide to Growing Up: Choices and Changes During Puberty by Terri Couwenhoven
- The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up: Choices and Changes in the Tween years by Terri Couwenhoven
- Alien Nation by The Proud Trust
- 'Grown' The Black Girls Guide to Glowing Up by Melissa Cummings-Quarry & Natalie A Carter
- The Autism-Friendly Guide to Periods by Robyn Steward
- What's Happening to Tom? A book about puberty for boys and young men with autism and related conditions (Sexuality and Safety with Tom and Ellie) by Kate E. Reynolds and Jonathon Powell
- What’s Happening to Ellie? A book about puberty for girls and young women with autism and related conditions (Sexuality and Safety with Tom and Ellie) by Kate E. Reynolds and Jonathon Powell
- The Growing Up Guide for Girls – What Girls on the Autism Spectrum Need to Know! by Davida Hartman
- How to love: A guide to feelings and relationships for everyone by Alex Morris (suitable for mature Y6s)
- Puberty in numbers: everything you need to know about growing up by Liz Flavell
- The Puberty Book by Kelsey Powell and Wendy Darvill
- Hair in funny places by Babette Cole
- Respect: Consent, Boundaries and Being in Charge of YOU by Rachel Brian
- Welcome to your period by Yumi Stynes and Dr Melissa Kang
- How to grow up and feel amazing by Dr Ranj Singh
- The book about periods for all young people by Olivia Brinkley-Green
- A boys guide to growing up by Anita Ganeri
- On your marks, get set, grow! by Lynda Madaras
- The girl's body book by Kelli Dunham
- Help your kids with growing up by Robert Winston (suitable for mature Y6s)
- Transition From Primary to Secondary School: Key things Parents need to discuss with their children by Trisha M Samuel
National Literacy Trust list of books about love
National Education Union: Every child, Every family, building LGBT+ inclusion through reading
Useful books/audiobooks for parents
Questions Children Ask and How to Answer Them by Dr M Stoppard
Speakeasy: Talking with your Children about Growing Up by fpa (Family Planning Association)
sex ed: how to talk to your kids about sex by Dr Laura Berman
Sex Ed for Grown-Ups by Jonny Hunt
Brilliant questions about growing up by Amy Forbes-Robertson and Alex Fryer
How to talk to your kids about sex - six sesssions (Available on Audible) by Justine Ang Fonte (US)
Sexuality and Severe Autism by Kate E Reynolds
The Healthy Selfie by Dr Susie Davies
Sex Educated by Grace Alice O'Shea (Ire)
When girls fall out by Andrew, Holly and Naomi Hampton
Useful websites/film clips for children (we recommend you watch them first so you are prepared for any questions) Puberty section (Age 9+)
Operation Ouch! How are babies made? (age 9-12)
Operation Ouch! Puberty (age 8-14)
Male puberty - including wet dreams
Outspoken - information, advice and resources
Useful websites for parents
Planned Parenthood:Talking with you preschooler - tips on how to bring up different topics
Amaze: How to talk to your young child about relationships and sex (film clips and resources)
Family Lives, Talking about puberty and Talking about sex
Sitting in car YouTube Channel: how to talk comfortably with your kids about sex and consent
Talking to your child about online sexual harassment- a guide for parents
Harmful sexual behaviour prevention toolkit - for parents, carers, family members and professionals
Outspoken speaking out: how to talk about porn with your child
Childhood masturbation: eight ways to manage it
Multilingual sexual health resources, including information about periods and vulvas
Sex Education 101: Age by age guides to sex education
NSPCC Sexual development and behaviour in children: age-specific
BBC Teach: Dealing with friendship issues (age 7-11)
CBEEBIES: How to help your child make friends at primary school (age 4+)
Parents with confidence: Help your child navigate friendship problems with these 6 tips
Personal hygiene for pre-teens and teenagers (age 9-15)
Talk soon. Talk often. A guide for parents talking to their kids about sex. (Age and stage guidance for parents of children aged 0 to 18 years)
Suggested RSE Activities in the home:
Draw around bodies
Draw around bodies and label parts, using correct words (and family names) and their purpose
What's in the bag? Puberty
Put together your own ‘puberty bag’ from household items. Discuss each one and why it’s used, e.g. deodorant, razors, tampons/pads, shower gel, washing powder, tissues, hair gel.
What's in the bag? Growing up
Same as above for contents of handbag; items support discussions about growing up
Anonymous questions box
Have an old shoe box, or similar, where children could post questions that they might not be able to ask you verbally.
Praise and thank them for their questions. Try to answer them using the webpages above to help provide age-appropriate, fact-based answers.
RSE Bingo
Watch the telly or a programme you enjoy on Netflix together. Every time you hear a sexist remark, a stereotype, or an unhealthy attitude -call it out! And use it as an opportunity to discuss RSE-related matters, asking your child what they think.
Online games to support learning
Band Runner A game from CEOP highlighting how to be safe online. Aimed at 8-10 year olds.
Different Families Home Learning Pack
Stonewall’s home learning packs can be used by parents or carers looking to support their child’s learning with either primary, secondary or SEND (P-scales) version of each pack. Each pack comes with suggested activities and supporting materials to support your child's learning. Pick and choose the activities to suit your child.
Growing and Changing Leaflets
Ask your school if they can provide you with a leaflet summarising how they prepare your child for growing and changing. SCARF schools have access to leaflet templates on our website that they can edit to accurately share their Relationships and Health Education offer with you and how parents can carry on the conversation at home.