We have included links to each book (click on title to view). Please check the link and review the content before using with children.
Officer Buckle and Gloria
By Peggy Rathmann
Officer Buckle gets carried away creating too many safety rules and the children stop listening to him.
Age range/Genre
KS1/KS2 Fiction
Thinking questions
What would you do if a rule about safety didn’t make sense to you?
The Misadventures of Frederick
By Ben Manley
The story of an over-protective mother and making decisions about living your life whilst thinking about safety.
Age range/Genre
KS1/2 Fiction
Thinking questions
Frederick loves nature but he stays inside because he might have an accident outdoors. Is it ever ok to take risks?
Rosie’s Walk
By Pat Hutchins
Classic tale of Rosie’s walk around the farmhouse pursued by a fox who encounters one disaster after another.
Age range/Genre
KS1 Fiction
Thinking questions
Think about how Rosie might have felt if she knew the fox was following her.
The fox was so busy following Rosie he didn’t notice lots of dangers - can you remember what they were?
Gordon's Great Escape
By Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet
Follow Gordon the balloon on his adventures trying to avoid the dangers which come with being a balloon.
Age range/Genre
KS1 Picturebook fiction
Thinking questions
Which of the dangers that Gordon faced would be dangerous to you?
Which wouldn’t?
Can you think of anything that might be safe for an adult to do but not you?